Driving Revenue with accurate sales forecasting in Odoo 16

4 December 2023 by
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sales forecasting in Odoo 16 ​

       The Forecasting in Odoo 16 CRM is a feature that provides valuable insights into sales forecasts and opportunities within the CRM module. It allows users to analyse and track projected sales figures and compare them with actual performance. The Forecast Report assists sales managers and teams in making informed decisions, managing sales pipelines, and optimising their sales strategies.
The forecast menu available under the Reporting tab of the Odoo CRM module helps you to gain knowledge about the upcoming revenues and help in forecasting future dealings with the customer. Here also you have the provision to generate reports in various measures such as Expected Closing Days, Expected Revenue, Geo Latitude, Geo Longitude, IAP Credits, New Integer, Prorated Revenue, and so on. You can access these options under the MEASURES tab available. Moreover, the various default as well as customizable Filters, Group By, Favorite and Search icons are also available with this window.
First you should go on the Reporting in the menu bar and select forecast as shown in the below screenshot.

It gives knowledge about upcoming revenues you can forecast the future dealings with the customer and this report is generated by applying filters of opportunity pipeline like upcoming closings, excepted closings per month.

Here you can see the opportunities expected to be closed on different dates that are specified above, that is two opportunities will close in July 2023 and so on.
For creating a new forecast click on the NEW icon.

Here you can enter the details and create a new forecast. Now we can open the existing opportunity. Here we can see the Expected closing dates.

Here the forecast can be viewed in an indifferent way by default its kanban view graph, pivot views are available. Shown in below screenshot.

In the graph view you can switch into line chart, pie chart and bar graph by clicking on the icon shown below.

And also you can view the line chart and bar graph in the ascending and descending order by clicking on the icon shown below.

Here we can view the expected revenue also by clicking on the measure there will be a drop down from which you can select the expected revenue option. It is shown in the screenshot below.

You can view the expected revenue month wise.

Next you can select a list view.

By clicking on the month you can see different opportunities month wise.

Next look at the pivot view.

For viewing revenue you can click on the MEASURE icon and select the expected revenue, You can also add another field that you need to add.

After adding the columns you need is shown in the screenshot below.

You are also able to view the revenue of the sales team, salesperson as shown in the below screenshot.

After selecting the view will be.

You can also view the opportunities by filter, group by etc.

        Forecasting in Odoo 16 is a valuable tool that helps businesses make informed decisions about their future operations. By utilising the forecasting features in Odoo 16, businesses can analyse historical data, identify trends, and predict future demand for their products or services. This allows them to optimise inventory levels, plan production schedules, and make strategic business decisions with greater accuracy. Odoo 16's forecasting capabilities provide businesses with the ability to create accurate sales forecasts, demand forecasts, and procurement forecasts. These forecasts can be generated based on various factors such as historical sales data, seasonality, market trends, and external factors. The system also allows businesses to customise and adjust their forecasts based on specific business requirements and goals.

in Odoo
Haritha 4 December 2023
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